The Campsite

The Campsite
The official campsite at ICU/PCU waiting area

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Just Wondering...

As Tom, Kurt, and I had a leisurely breakfast this morning, conversation turned to our experiences during Kurt's time in ICU. He, of course, doesn't remember a great deal of it; he has even less recollection of the people in the waiting room that became a large part of our lives. 

And, so, while feeling incredibly blessed in sitting with our son and enjoying a meal together, I wonder...

...about the woman and her two children with whom we shared many a day with in the waiting room. When her husband died, she nor the kids were there, so I couldn't properly give my sympathy. I'm guessing they said their good-byes in a way that worked for them. I pray they are at peace.

...about my newly-found cousin. I happened to see her husband's obituary in the newspaper a couple of days after I went looking for her at the hospital's hospice. Thankfully, my aunt has her address. This week I'll find an appropriate card, get the address, and remind her that her family is still here.

...about the nice lady I met whose husband kidney/liver match didn't work out. He's the one that was Kurt's roommate for an evening and the day of Kurt's discharge from the hospital. I received a message from her that he wasn't doing well and was back on the sixth floor. She still shows up on Facebook, cheering Kurt on. I'll send her another message of support.

I wonder about all the many people who, by now, have moved through those same chairs, benches, and tables where we spent so many hours. I pray for all of them that find themselves in that area each day. It's not an easy place to be; no one is there by choice. I invite you to say a prayer for them as well.

Sunday blessings.

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